Concentrated Heavy Oil, Grease, Tar and Wax Solvent
It is distinguished from all other known solvents with its most important feature, when it is concentrated with water, its viscosity increases due to its reverse concentration feature, and it is an excellent product that can dissolve stubborn dirt such as oil, fuel residue, tar and wax that exist even on vertical surfaces.
Concentrated Heavy Oil, Grease, Tar and Wax Solvent
It is distinguished from all other known solvents with its most important feature, when it is concentrated with water, its viscosity increases due to its reverse concentration feature, and it is an excellent product that can dissolve stubborn dirt such as oil, fuel residue, tar and wax that exist even on vertical surfaces.
Concentrated Industrial Descaler
It is an acidic product with extraordinary cleaning performance, which dissolves lime, sediment, rust and algae layers formed especially in heating and cooling systems by absorbing mineral deposits and stops working on metal thanks to the protective inhibitors in its formula.
Concentrated Post-Weld Burr and Slag Preventer
It prevents splashes and melting slag from sticking to the metal surface and torch in welding, plasma and laser cutting. Eliminates post-weld grinding. It is non-flammable, does not ignite because it does not contain solvents, does not smoke, does not harm the user and the environment.